Your Human Design

 I know you want to do life YOUR way and have a career & relationships that give you the freedom, meaning, spaciousness and abundance you desire, while feeling recognised for your gifts and your true SELF. Basically, you want to have the self-trust and confidence to show up authentically and to make decisions that reflect your values and desires for your life. 

In order to do that, you need a more thorough and complete understanding of your unique gifts, mission, self-expression and way of creating in this world. In other words, you want the tools for how to get to know your “deconditioned” self that isn’t influenced and impacted by generational and societal expectations.

You’ve come to the right place, I am here to help you leverage your Human Design to create the life you have always desired, but didn’t think possible.


Human Design Intuitive Sessions.


Find clarity.

Free yourself.

Uncover your purpose.

Human Design is the master blueprint of your highest, most real Self. The person you came here to be, before you picked up conditioning and shoulds. When you live in alignment with your design, life feels better, flows better and you have greater acceptance for who you are, instead of chasing who you are not (which never works out for us well).

Human Design gifts us language and tools for understanding, accepting and celebrating our unique part to play in the world. It is a system of self awareness, that offers an energetic map of how to move through the world with greater peace, satisfaction, success, surprise & excitement. Essentially to flow with life, rather than forcing, pushing, striving or feeling burnt out in the process. This is your life manual of how to create your reality, run your business and thrive in your relationships that actually feels good and manifests what you desire.

Prepare for your life to be changed once you begin your experiment of returning to your most free, authentic self. Human Design will change the way you see yourself and the world around you. You will begin to see life as full of opportunity and possibility, while seeing your power, potential and strengths to create your version of heaven on earth. Release the pressure of trying to ‘figure life out’ from a heady place (how is that working for you?) and instead, learn to connect and listen to your intuitive knowing, and allow your naturalness and creative force flow from you. This is how you create your own heaven on earth and actually make your desires happen.


A Human Design Reading

In our comprehensive advanced reading, we dive deep on your unique Human Design and will help you reconnect with yourself, your inner guidance & practical tools to make your desires happen in reality. You will be left with a profound understanding of your design, that will create a sense of confidence, excitement and clarity to make decisions aligned for you. Depending on your preferences, we work directly with any themes you are currently facing or focus more on understanding your design. I love to infuse my knowledge of Neural Manifestation, Somatics, Gene Keys and Psychology, to create real change in your life. My intuitive & channelling Projector gifts mean I can cut through the veil, see deep within and read into the energetics to resolve inner turmoil, blocks or external situation. You will leave feeling lighter, empowered & with greater clarity of your next steps.

Conducted via Zoom. You will also receive a recording of the reading afterward, so you can return back whenever you need extra clarity and guidance. You will find your reading grows with you.


1:1 Offerings with Hillary

Individual Human Design Reading $350AUD ($250USD) for 60 Mins


Business Human Design Activator: $390AUD ($270USD) for 75 mins

Use your Human Design to up-level or start your aligned business because you have your own way of creating success. This is a game changer for those wishing to maximise their potential, ignite their unique creative force and increase return on their energy. Become the CEO of your own life & create spaciousness in your success.

Three pack session $960 AUD that can include individual, family/relationship and business sessions. Total of three hours together covering each or two.

*Gift cards available for purchase.

Relationship Reading (2 charts in one session) $390AUD (270€ / $270USD) for 75 Mins

This option is perfect to understand yourself first (45 mins), and then how you work with your partner, colleague or family member better (45 mins). Acceptance and understanding of our people breeds better relationships. If we assume another is the same as us, it often leads to conflicts. We will discuss your individual chart and then how your energy works with your partner, because when the two of you are together - you create a third energetic body. When you support each other’s gifts and strengths, and understand their fears & differences - you can thrive together. Hence why you feel more lit up, connected or seen with particular people.

You do not have to have your partner present at the reading, you can just receive the insight and recording for the both of you.

Family Human Design Reading (3-4 people) $390AUD (270€ / $270USD) for 75 Mins

  • "I am forever grateful for your wisdom and generosity. I am still processing, but I already feel so much lighter after giving up the "purpose" limiting belief. Today was an amazing day for me. I feel present and eager to experiment while listening closely to my gut. You were a gift from the Universe, thank you Hillary."


  • "Thank you Hillary for returning the colour and light in my life! I have so much clarity and trust in myself now. Everything feels attainable and possible. Right after our call, I implemented some of your tips (can't wait to do all) in my business, and I already received two new clients overnight. It is crazy how quickly everything can shift when you are aligned with your energetic way. Thank you thank you thank you! I can't wait to have a session with my husband. I can tell his mind will be equally blown!"


  • "The call we had today was an absolute game changer for me! Complete shift in my body, soul , spirit! THANK YOU! You really played such a fundamental part in me starting to SEE myself again , and beginning to envision myself the way I feel I am embodying today! You are truly a projector through  and through and in the best way possible, I feel you are so gracefully using your gifts to guide others and I am really so happy that you made it to this point in your life!"


  • "I can’t thank you enough for that session, I got so much out of it. It felt like you knew me & my inner workings! I feel like I have the knowledge now to deal with certain situations & thoughts that consumed & confused me for so long. Thank you for your beautiful energy & nature. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday too! I’m off to do something that lights me up for the afternoon"


  • “Following our session, I just wanted to thank you for helping me uncover my deeper purpose…that sun that was hiding under a cloudy sky. It was helpful to raise my self worth and to learn more about living in a manner that is in sync with who I am. After today’s session, the sun is ready to shine :) (and create)!!"


  • "I wanted to say thank you so much for the reading on Thursday. I’ve been processing it ever since and realising how much I needed to hear it after it. It felt so empowering to step back into MY power.  A lesson that I’m very aware I needed as it broke a pattern of mine! All exciting things."


  • “Hillary helped me so much when I was thinking about quitting my job but was so unsure about what the next steps would be. Her empowering coaching style and Human Design Knowledge was a powerful mix and really helped me to make the final decision. She also supported me greatly during my transition period and kept me calm and confident. I’m super happy I took this step!”.


  • “This was better than a session with my therapist. And I’ve been with my therapist for 7 years.”


  • "Just wanted to say a huge thank you. I handed in my notice at work last week and lo and behold - a load of suitors practically arrived at my door 😂 I also feel so much more confident in myself and my inner decision making compass. I’ve passed on your details to friends 😘"


  • "I absolutely loved that reading Hillary, how ACCURATE! I feel seen 😂 Honestly it’s wild. And what a gift to be able to share with other people and better understand yourself and your loved ones. Thank you!!!"


  • "Dear Hillary! Thank you so much!! I shed some tears this morning! Your reading resonates so so much ❤️ and makes me feel so understood and seen. So excited to be on this journey with you and dive even deeper in my design and learn all things Human Design with you 💫"


  • "Thank you so so much beautiful Hillary. I am so lit up and empowered after that. It was a 100% spot on for me. Listening to it made me realise how far I have come. I have definitely fallen into many of those shadows over the years particularly when I burnt out in psychology by prioritising every one else’s needs over my own."


  • "Hi Hillary, I had rough past months… and I was not in a good mood emotionally and I listened to my HD reading with you from one year ago… and I’m feeling so much better now… It helped me to get to the right path again. Just wanted to let you know 🧡"


  • “Thank you so much for our reading Hillary! I'm very excited into what the universe holds for me and just that validation through you with how I've always feels means that you know this is right and there's a reason why I'm feeling this way. It's just learning how to act on it and focus what makes me happy and do more of that.”


  • “Your words and support make me so strong, H. Thank you for that. I feel like you’ve been “sent” to me from the universe on purpose for exactly this. Enabling me to speak my truth and understand my worth. I might not have been able to react this way this morning without all the conversations we had recently. Your words are so so powerful. I’ve never felt more understood than in the past sessions with you. Where did you hide all my life, wise woman? Your wisdom blows me away. ”


  • "Thank you for yesterday. I have honestly been thinking about it ever since. The reading was everything I needed and was hoping for. You answered all my doubts and gave me great space for thinking out loud, which is so much better than the mental spirals I have been in. It also felt like a great starting point for my next chapter as I got so much clarity on what to focus on next. Thank you very much!"


  • "I am so grateful to have discovered Human Design Universe thanks to you. I continue to be amazed by how it suddenly all makes sense - the way I have been feeling recently and how I have approached things in the past. It gives me such support in taking the next step!"


  • "Thank you so much, I am equal measures mind-blown and feel like I have just remembered something I have forgotten but have always known"


  • "Thank you so much for the reading yesterday. Really happy that a lot of things are clearer now. And do make sense, like my emotional waves - highs and lows - or my bright visions that no one understands. Hallelujah. It's not me being mental, it's just the surroundings not ready yet to take my message. Thank you!"


  • "Thank you so much for our insightful session. I had a great sleep and have woken feeling optimistic & energetic for the journey ahead. I have been seeking clarity that I am on the right path and being authentic to myself, so what you articulated in our reading is exactly what I needed to hear and know about myself"


  • "Since our reading, I have been processing and it has changed my perspective on A LOT! I feel like I have refound myself, who I was as a child. Thank you. I am so so grateful for you"


  • "Thank you for last night. I absolutely loved it. I have had so many ideas, downloads and realisations about my business. I can't wait to get started!"


“I couldn’t have done my Human Design reading with Hillary at a better time! She really made me feel understood and seen.

I was at a crossroad - I knew that the life I am living is not the way I want to go forward, but my fears were holding me back. I was working 12-16 hours a day in a senior position at a corporate bank, I was “getting stuff done”, “working hard, playing hard”, but ultimately I was not happy, fulfilled, nor did I ever take time to rest (even though my body, my mind and my soul were crying for it).

As Hillary has been through this shift herself, she has helped me understand how to best use my Projector energy, she encouraged me to face my fears so that I can ultimately let go of them, which opened my mind to so many possibilities.

Since the reading my life has changed - I quit my job, sold my flat in London, allowed myself to take rest for a few months and the opportunities started to come in - in line with what I want and how I see myself in the future.

More importantly, I have gained trust that if I am my authentic self, the Universe will support me getting what I want - I just have to stay true to myself. Thank you Hillary, our session was exactly the push I needed to make change for the better in my life!.”

— Jelena, 33


  • Your path will be unique, and I connect with your personal energetic body. You will feel so seen and understood, while simultaneously receiving a roadmap of how to make your desires happen.

    You will also receive:

    // Permission to be your true, authentic self. There is a reason you are exactly how you are, so the key to your unique path to success is simply by embracing your true self, your desires and your natural abilities.

    // How to manifest by following your own energetic strategy & authority (the easiest way to create the life of your dreams.

    // Confidence and clarity around your innate gifts & skills. Work & life can be so much easier if we embrace what we are naturally good at.

    // Trust in your own unique decision making process, so that you can tap into your inner wisdom. Our bodies have innate way to guide us so it is the only thing we should be following. Not outside noise & self doubt.

    // Awareness of fears that are holding you back. This gives intel of what you need to step through to help magnetise what you want.

    // Knowledge of how to best use your energy, so you can truly work smarter, not harder - without the self judgement and doubt.

    // Greater sense of deeper love in relationships (romantic, business, family) as you understand and honour how others work. When we are aware of the best way to interact with the world, and other’s energies, we can create the relationships we desire.

    // More self acceptance, trust and love. Less self judgement, criticism and self doubt. No longer forcing things to fit or thinking something is wrong with you.

    // Lifestyle tips uniquely suited to you such as your best sleep, diet, environment and exercise. No more guessing games or listening to outside advice. Your body is different to others - start doing what’s right for you.

  • I will need your birth time, but if you are unsure of the exact time. The closest possible time is totally fine. If you give me a time window of when your family thinks (or you intuitively feel it was), I will investigate and see if there are any changes throughout that window.

  • I give advanced readings and pack as much as possible in one hour. My intention is that you only need one human design reading, so I give give give. I also allow us to speak through anything that you are going through presently. I give a form prior to our session which you can stipulate if you’d like to focus on career, direction, relationships, self understanding etc. I channel and connect with your energy prior so that you receive a highly individualised Human Design reading.

    I provide tangible tools and actionable steps that are tailored specifically for you to help you start living your design and hold space in your daily life. I will also make sure you know how you can apply this knowledge and awareness in your current life and environment.

    The topics can include:

    Energy type








    Gates Lines

    Planetary placements


    Incarnation cross

    Determination (Digestion)


    Cognition (Super-Sense)

    Perspective (Manifesting Style)


    (And much more)

  • 60 min session via zoom with Hillary (plus prep time for your chart). Hillary channels throughout your reading to give you a highly individualised Human Design reading. A recording will be provided immediately after your session to return to at your own desire.

  • Absolutely! My favourite kind. So just stipulate the other person’s birth details so I can prep their chart also.